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  1. take after: 与……相像

  例句:It is said that she takes after her mother in appearance.

  2. up to date: 现代的,时新的

  例句:You should try to keep up to date with the latest developments in technology.

  3. in vain: 徒劳地

  例句:He tried in vain to find the key, but in the end he had to break the lock.

  4. go through: 经历,经受

  例句:She went through a lot of difficulties when she first started her own business.

  5. make up for: 补偿,弥补

  例句:I took some extra shifts at work to make up for the days I'd taken off.

  6. on purpose: 故意地

  例句:I didn't mean to break it, it was an accident, not on purpose.

  7. as a matter of fact: 事实上

  例句:As a matter of fact, I used to live in the same city as you do.

  8. make use of: 利用

  例句:We should make use of every opportunity to learn new things.

  9. run out of: 用尽,耗尽

  例句:I'm sorry, we've run out of milk. Can I get you something else to drink?

  10. hold on to: 保留,坚持

  例句:You should hold on to your dreams and never give up.

  11. set off: 出发

  例句:We need to set off early if we want to avoid the traffic.

  12. cut down on: 减少

  例句:I've decided to cut down on the amount of sugar I consume.

  13. in favor of: 赞成,支持

  例句:The majority of themittee members voted in favor of the new policy.

  14. bring up: 抚养,教育

  例句:She was brought up by her grandparents after her parents passed away.

  15. make up: 弥补,弥补差距

  例句:Let's try to make up for the time we lost and study harder now.

  16. take for granted: 认为……理所当然

  例句:We often take for granted the things that are most precious to us.

  17. result in: 导致,造成

  例句:His careless behavior resulted in a serious accident.

  18. stand for: 代表,象征

  例句:The initials C.B. stand for my full name, Clara Brown.

  19. be familiar with: 熟悉,了解

  例句:I'm familiar with the basic concepts of this course, but I need to study harder to understand the moreplex ones.

  20. provide sb. with: 供给……

  例句:The government should provide the homeless with more resources and support.

  21. in search of: 寻找,寻求

  例句:The explorer set off into the jungle in search of the lost city.


上一篇:山东春季高考学习的误区 下一篇:山东春季高考如何复习赢得春考


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